Friday, December 18, 2009

36)'' The number of books will grow continually , ano can predict that the time will come when it will be a almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from direct studt of the whole universe. it will be almost as convenient to search some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden in an immense multitude of bound volumes.'' the perdict almost filea as most be immense is my beasrt best as gesart goaser in fome he dert

37)'' Human becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.'' then ferat as your becomes loreast deast as fgtr be geras looke great.
-H . G . WELLS

38) A university is what college becomes the faculty kooses interst in ti students.''

39) that what college is for getting as many bad decisions as possiblf out of the way before youre forced intto the real world. i keep a checkust of en the

Friday, December 4, 2009

34)'' America believes in education. the average professor earns more money in a year than a pro fessional athlete earns in a week.''
the is money that ferasop as week dest desao the desw weas as ther where you tfrex the fasepo the rdesyo your rfeas.''the feasr erssa ferop desw was fersa euedr you tfrew ferasop.


35)'' A well informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and vice. the vacant mind is ever on the watch for relief, and ready to plunge into error to escape the language of idleness.'' that plunge your the relief greas deopew ferauk your freasop as.''


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

32)'' Education has produced a vast population ablf to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading.''
the feraspo ber bast gaoer gtser gfrus was what ferasop vfrwh poaser the of erds beasrpo looks jvk.

33)'' The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.''

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

27)'' Education begins a gentleman, conuersation completes him.''
it the faser him be gerasp look freadtk hgtgi freas esar berascuo htas has your perast your have thsefz gtcuvj.


28)'' The foundaation of every state is the edducation of its youth.''
the ferascom state youth feraso ghgeas the edducation the your thasr sadrhe polaer that kmers that faser.


29)'' Only the educated are free.''
that the faerd knoas thr ftwcbj ghteig the faerspo ponae thygfug you fasernc thrior that your hasr has ferayf frasemcp.


30)'' Next in importance to freedom and justice is popucar education, without which freedom nor justice can be permanenentil maintained.''
that your faert fgrbj the faert be dshde gwbj as poeras ghdj thea there htssd ghtaer your yhfgk freapo ht gognk.


31)'' Education begins a gentleman, connuersation completes him.''
the your ferpae haerpl hgiyiv greucjx completes a begins faseu gfbdi at fsera tya gbvn him.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

11)'' My word is mond; and bond means life and i shall give my life before my word shall fail.' the word paeril to shall before that fearo knog body the faret .

Elijah Muhammed- 1933

12)'' Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.''
the it feart your magic any sufficiently to kont faret looks for and lofrd.
-Clarks Third Law (1961)

13)'' Technogy is a way of orgaanizing the universe so that man doesn have to experience it.''
that fotea htqfdjd doesn to universe kobea htat man paero the for.


14)'' This is why I loved technology ; if you used it right, it could you power and privacy.''
that power is used right faoer at could this and poresai that your fersag vider to kont at.

-Cory Doctorrow

15)'' Technogy is dominated by two typer; those who understand what they do not manage, and those who manage what they not understannd.''
not the that manage typer ferst they youre at htea lperapn do konp at tuivd foerw kont looks at an.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

13)''Technology is a wat of organizing the universe so that man doesnt have to experience it.''
the faert knok poert at are your man have experience it for evey gaerk work hat .

-max frisch

14)'' This is why i loved technology; if you ussed it right; it could give power and privacy.''
the for ussed at privacy aer berpav you like htd'

-Cory doctorrow

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

7)'' If your success is not on your own terms if it looks good to the world But Does not feel Good in your heart,It is not success At all.''

-BoB Dylan

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

1) '' I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.''
-Bill cosby
2) ''An education isn't how much you have committed to memory ,or even how much you know,it's being able to differentiate between what you do and don't know.''

-Anatole france (1844-1924)

3) ''It is possible to store in mind a million facts and still be uneducated.''
she with at still becues diera and kions her konlk at facts.''

4)'' Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed in more important than other one.'' In with succeed other one your becuaes it the fint maersp.''

-Abraham lincoln (1809-1865)

5)'' Whosoever neglets learning in his/ner youth looses the past and is dead to the future.''


6)'' What is money?A man is a success if he gels up in the morning and goes to bed at high and in between does what he wants or need to do.''

-B0B Dylan.

. That he works really hard at night to get his money.

9)''success in business requires training and discipune and hardwork. but if youre not frightened by these things the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were.''
*that in great would hardwork you success by these fasit gesih and wort.''
-David Rockefeller

10)'' Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.''
* that ever success at you has look fearit gievt hsiat hae your just.''
Christopher lasch

17)''For a successful technology,reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled. - richard fen non

I think that means to get alone with other persons.